Digital Platforms & Marketing for Golf Instructors

Digital Solutions to Multiply Your Income

Webites Designed for Golf Pros

Business Automation and More Credibility

More than perception, LiveSite and ProSite are “student engagement platforms” that save you time and create a new 1-to-many revenue model. Your return on investment includes more new students, more credibility and more time for the things you love!

Done-For-You Marketing Included

Digital Marketing Just For You

Communicating with 1,000’s of people at once is a good thing. Selling to 1,000’s of people – while you sleep – is a great thing! Tools. Strategy. Flawless execution. We’ve got you covered!

Engage | Entertain | Educate

It’s All About Relationships 
Less than 5% of online sales are made with 3 contacts, 80% take 6 to 12. That’s a lot of repetitive work.  Don’t worry, that’s an industry average. Your relationship marketing plan is automated and optimized for you!

Virtual Academy | Webinars

Fight Fire With Fire
You’ve heard the stats. 87% don’t take lessons. Millennials have no interest. Academy and Webinar melt lack of time and cost objections and create new automated revenue streams.

Sales | Product Development

Your Online Pro Shop Features Your Products
Highly profitable evergreen products. Make it once. Sell 1,000’s of times. Packaged properly, your instructional expertise is perfect for online sales. Virtual learning generates real cash!

Marketing | Done for You and D-I-Y

Strategy and Sophistication. Not Hype!
An exceptional experience pulls your prospects to become buyers and repeat customers. Over-deliver value first. Earn success; be known, liked and trusted. Let’s get started!

Why us?


You’re a busy instructor who wants more time for the things you love, and a multiple of income without raising rates or teaching more.


Your students’ improvement is priority 1. While you teach, we’ll execute a strategic, sophisticated marketing plan for you.


We customize your website and marketing campaigns to match exactly the expectations of your “perfect student”.

Our Experience

Wordpress experts. Over 20 years of website design BG (before Google)! Our managing partner has been a golf professional for 40 years and understands well the importance of the relationships you have with your students.

Our Strategy

Strategic marketing and constant optimization are the what. The why is we’re entrepreneurs. Our success depends on yours. We make sure that every penny you invest takes us closer to the goal – a significant return for you.

Our Guarantee

Golf ProSites guarantees your 100% satisfaction. Our customer service Team is in house, not offshore. In fact, they are the business owners and understand the importance of happy customers. We do it right.